Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Concept Map Revision

Here is an update of our concept map.


  1. It looks good! So since you are doing your lesson plan on plan, organize, and run a sale I will do before backing and include: food allergies, safety/rules, and hygiene/hand washing? does that sound good since they all kind go together??

  2. Hey I still cannot figure out how to place my ideas actually on the concept map but I did post a comment on the ideas that I had. I am not sure if you guys saw that post or not.

  3. Dana,
    You can't place your ideas on the concept map at this time, only I can add them as I was the one who downloaded Kidspiration. In the instruction it said that only one person from the group had to download it for now. You and Mallory will be able to add to it but not towards the end of the semester. If you are thinking of some ideas to add to it, just list them here and I will add them to the concept map.
